Home About Us Joyful Action Blog Twelve Steps

Joy Happens: How to Live a Joyful Life
A Twelve-Step Program
  1. We believe we are powerful over our own emotions--we can manage our own lives in a way that brings Joy to ourselves and others.
  2. We believe that the Power of Joy, greater than ourselves, is there for us to tap into, and that the Spreading of Joy will restore us and the world at large to sanity.
  3. We make the decision each moment we desire Joy to tap into that power.
  4. We list the things which bring us Joy, the small and large things which we notice and appreciate along our path.
  5. We tell others when we notice Joy Happening in our lives, if it will result in more Joy.
  6. We recognize that not everyone at every moment desires Joy, including ourselves, and we allow people to choose their own times and emotions.
  7. We humbly ask that our enthusiasm not offend or annoy other people who need to find Joy at their own pace.
  8. We list things that we can do to make Joy Happen for ourselves, for people we know, and extending to complete strangers.
  9. We begin doing those things which we listed, finding Joy in our actions, bringing Joy to ourselves and others, always making sure that we are truly spreading Joy.
  10. We continue to take personal inventory of what works, and what doesn't, and we continue to generate more ideas and Joyful actions.
  11. We seek to find and appreciate the Source of our Joy, in quiet moments of reflection, and we find ourselves in great awe of the Power of Joy.
  12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we recognize that all Joy is interconnected, and that JOY HAPPENS!!!

Home About Us Joyful Action Blog Twelve Steps